My Day

One day in a zombie attack and every zombie was holding a banana and saying monkey.

I was with Super man,Shack,and John Cena eating lunch.

We first saw it when the lead zombie through a blue jolly rancher through the window and the sticky jolly rancher blew up in to bananas.

and then super man through up on the zombies and half of them turned in to grapes.

Then John Cena did the best rko to every zombie and they turned into tacos.

Then I woke up and found out it was all a dream.

Gold Rush

Hi my name is ethan I am going west because I am going to the gold rush in in Califorina.

I am going on my wagon with my two broncos,I know journy will be long and hard but I also know I could become rich.

I first started leavingĀ  my ranch in New york with lots of food,wepons,and clothes.

I went through many ghost towns and many and many miles of the Louisiana purchase.

I also came across many Native Americans and people biulding log cabins across open feilds.

I crossed the Mississippi river.

On one of the rivers I almost died because the current pulled me down to the bottom of the river.

soon I made it to Califorina gold rush and three months after i struck it rich and biult a log home down there and lived there for the rest of my life.